Neural control of response against bacterial infections and immune homeostasis


TitleNeural control of response against bacterial infections and immune homeostasis

ReporterProf. Alejandro Aballay

Time2:30 p.m,Nov.30,2018

Venue:E4003 of the Teaching Building

Brief introduction of the reporter Alejandro Aballay, Ph.D ,

William A. Whitsell Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, School of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University

Now, he focus on what makes bacteria pathogenic and hosts resistant.. Prof. Aballay publish over 40 articles as first author and corresponding author in the Science (2 articles) , Current Biology (3 articles), Cell Reports (1 article), PNAS (1 article), Plos Pathogens (1 article), mBio (2 articles), **C (4 articles), EMBO reports (4 articles), Plos Genetics (3 articles), virulence (2 articles). In addition, Prof. Aballay is a recipient of a number of awards, including: 2017 American Society for Microbiology fellowship, 2017 William A. Whitsell Deans Leadership Professorship, 2017 Maximizing Investigator Research Award (MIRA/NIH),2013 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) fellowship, 2009 Neuroimmunology of Brain Infections and Cancers Award, 2009 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Early Career Scientist Competition-Semifinalist, 2005 ICAAC Young Investigator Award, 2003 Whitehead Scholar in Biomedical Sciences, 1998 Pew Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship.


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